Black Music History: More Than Just a February Lesson

Listen to this blog post by clicking on the player below! For many music educators around the U.S., February is a time to pull out lessons on Black musicians and composers, jazz & blues, spirituals, and hip hop. And while I love all of those things, today I want to challenge you to challenge your … Read more

4 Misconceptions About Culturally Responsive Music Instruction

Listen to this blog post by clicking the audio player below! With the myriad of different terms out there, and with few explicit music education examples, it can be easy for music educators to be unclear on what exactly culturally responsive teaching is and how it is applied in the music classroom. Today, let’s get … Read more

What’s Your ‘Why’?

Welcome to my first official blog post! I’m excited to be in community with other music educators looking to discuss best practices and ideas around culturally responsive, learner centered music education, and I can’t wait to hear what you think! In this first post, I want to start off with sharing my ‘why.’ Uncovering ‘Why’ … Read more